Database last updated on July 3, 2024, 4 p.m. with a total of 420 publications sourced from ORCID.


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Querying Different Configurations Simultaneously to Conduct Database Forensic Examinations

AAFS 66th Annual Scientific Meeting

A near-miss management system to facilitate forensic investigation of software failures
Bella, M.B., Eloff, J., Olivier, M.
European Conference on Information Warfare and Security, ECCWS

On complex crimes and digital forensics
Olivier, M.S.
Information Security in Diverse Computing Environments

A Harmonized Process Model for Digital Forensic Investigation Readiness
Valjarevic, A., Venter, H.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

An ontological framework for a cloud forensic environment
Karie, N.M., Venter, H.S.
Proceedings of the European Information Security Multi-Conference, EISMC 2013