Database last updated on July 3, 2024, 4 p.m. with a total of 420 publications sourced from ORCID.


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Adding digital forensic readiness to electronic communication using a security monitoring tool
Van Staden, F.R., Venter, H.S.
2011 Information Security for South Africa - Proceedings of the ISSA 2011 Conference

Detecting mobile spam botnets using artificial immune systems
Vural, I., Venter, H.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Mobile cyber-bullying: A proposal for a pre-emptive approach to risk mitigation by employing digital forensic readiness
Serra, S.M., Venter, H.S.
2011 Information Security for South Africa - Proceedings of the ISSA 2011 Conference

Towards a digital forensic readiness framework for public key infrastructure systems
Valjarevic, A., Venter, H.S.
2011 Information Security for South Africa - Proceedings of the ISSA 2011 Conference

Analysing the fairness of trust-based Mobile Ad hoc Network protocols: Comparing the fairness of AODV and TAODV protocols in scenario driven simulations
Ivan Daniel Burke, Renier van Heerden, Martin S. Olivier
2011 Information Security for South Africa