@article { olivier2011,title = {Framework for developing realistic MANET simulations},journal = {5th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, ECIME 2011},year = {2011},pages = {65-71},author = {Burke, I. and Naidoo, S. and Olivier, M.}}
Location Privacy: privacy, efficiency and recourse through a
prohibitive contract
Transactions on Data Privacy
@ARTICLE{prohibitive, AUTHOR= {Neil J Croft and Martin S Olivier}, TITLE= {Location Privacy: privacy, efficiency and recourse through a
prohibitive contract}, JOURNAL= {Transactions on Data Privacy}, VOLUME= {4}, NUMBER= {1}, PAGES= {19--30}, YEAR= {2011}}
Location privacy: Privacy, efficiency and recourse through a prohibitive contract
@article { olivier2011,title = {Network forensics in a clean-slate internet architecture},journal = {2011 Information Security for South Africa - Proceedings of the ISSA 2011 Conference},year = {2011},author = {Strauss, T. and Olivier, M.S.}}