Database last updated on July 3, 2024, 4 p.m. with a total of 420 publications sourced from ORCID.


Showing page 73 of 84 with a total of 420 Publications
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Implementing Workflow Systems
Lucas Dreyer, Martin Olivier
Research Directions in Data and Applications Security

Privacy and civil liberties
Chadwick, D., Olivier, M., Samarati, P., Sharpston, E., Thuraisingham, B.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

WorkFlow analyzed for security and privacy in using databases
Teepe, W., Van De Riet, R., Olivier, M.
Journal of Computer Security

A Layered Architecture for Privacy-enhancing Technologies

South African Computer Journal

Vulnerabilities categories for intrusion detection systems
Venter, HS, Eloff, JHP
Computers & Security