Database last updated on July 4, 2024, 8 a.m. with a total of 420 publications sourced from ORCID.


Showing page 77 of 84 with a total of 420 Publications
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Wrappers - a mechanism to support state-based authorization in web applications
Olivier, M.S., Gudes, E.
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

Wrappers – A Mechanism to Support State-Based Authorization in Web Applications
Martin S Olivier, Ehud Gudes
Data and Application Security

Consumer Perception of Electronic-commerce

South African Computer Journal

Network Security: Important Issues
Venter, H.S., Eloff, J.H.P.
Network Security

A Comparison of Two Architectures for Implementing Security and Privacy in Cyberspace
Reind van de Riet, Wouter Janssen, Martin Olivier, Radu Serban
Database and Expert Systems Applications