Database last updated on July 4, 2024, 8 a.m. with a total of 420 publications sourced from ORCID.


Showing page 81 of 84 with a total of 420 Publications
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MoFAC: A Model for Fine-grained Access Control
Johan S. von Solms, Martin S. Olivier, Sebastiaan H. von Solms
Information Systems Security

Self-protecting Objects in a Secure Federated Database
Martin S Olivier
Database Security IX

Using Workflow to Enhance Security in Federated Databases
Martin S. Olivier
Communications and Multimedia Security II

Managing Information Security in a Client/Server Environment with Distributed Object-oriented Role-based Security

IT Sicherheit '95

A Heuristic for Securing Hypertext Systems
Martin S. Olivier
Communications and Multimedia Security