Database last updated on July 3, 2024, 8 a.m. with a total of 420 publications sourced from ORCID.


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A model for access management of potential digital evidence
Omeleze, S., Venter, H.
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ICCWS 2015

A model for the design of next generation e-supply chain digital forensic readiness tools
Masvosvere, D.J.E., Venter, H.S.
2015 Information Security for South Africa - Proceedings of the ISSA 2015 Conference

Adding Event Reconstruction to a Cloud Forensic Readiness Model
Kebande, Victor R., Venter, H. S.
2015 Information Security For South Africa - Proceedings of the Issa 2015 Conference

Adding event reconstruction to a Cloud Forensic Readiness model
Kebande, V.R., Venter, H.S.
2015 Information Security for South Africa - Proceedings of the ISSA 2015 Conference

An Innovative Risk-Based Authentication Mechanism for Closing the new Banking Vault
Dlamini, Moses, Venter, H. S., Eloff, J. H. P.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Icie-2015)